Printed light

Triton’s lighting technology provides the world with a new method of efficient illumination. These printed lights can be used in a wide variety of products including, but not limited to, retail signs, promotional signs, and restaurant menus etc. The printed lights produce 600-800 lumens depending on size, which can range from one square inch to 800 square feet. Despite the provided brightness, the lights have a life span of 80,000-100,000 hours.


  • Integration into advertising and marketing products.
  • Safety
  • Clothing.
  • Road/highway signs.
  • Precision-cut lighting tailored to specific need.


  • Printed onto a single substrate.
  • Custom lighting constructions.
  • Modifiable battery voltages by simply changing the artwork.
  • Seamless integration into standard printing processes.
  • Environmentally friendly with no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Printed Light Special Sheets

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